Friday, July 22, 2011

Seven Quick Takes

On what I am doing right now...


I am procrastinating writing my sermon for Sunday by writing this post.  I was really excited about it while I was working on it on Monday, but I hit a wall, and I'm having a hard time getting started again. 


I am beginning to think that my little one will no longer be potty trained.  She has been taking off her big girl underwear in order to diaper herself.  For a while she was proud of the panties, now apparently she takes them off for diapers.  Of course, she always prefers to run around bare-bottomed when she can get away with it.  Izzy isn't a fan of her being bare-bottomed.


I don't understand the recent weather.  It seems that most of the country is enduring unbearable heat while here, it has been unseasonably cool here.  In general, this is a great thing except that my garden is still not producing summer fruits and vegetables.  I am still waiting for tomatoes, squash, and peppers.  It needs to be at least 90 degrees for more than a few days in order for my vegetables to ripen.  In the meantime, I am enjoying cucumbers, eggplant, and the spring vegetables that are still hanging on in the cool weather. 


We have been super-busy lately.  I have hoped that we could landscape our backyard by the end of the summer, but unless I take a lot of time off work, that isn't going to happen.  I might do so, because I am super-impatient to have a backyard to enjoy and for Bee to run around in.


Tonight I took Bee out front to play in the grass with her ball.  Two of the neighborhood kids about her age came over and started playing with her.  It the girl next door darts over every time she sees us come outside to play.  Her mother doesn't play with her, and it seems that she craves positive attention from grownups.  I don't always know what to do with her.  She tries as hard as she can to come in the house all the time.  I'd let her in, but I don't know how her mother will feel about it.  She isn't a particularly kind or rational woman.  I know she resents the neighbors showing kindness to her son, so I suspect she won't look kindly on our bringing her daughter into our home. 


With respect to the neighbor kids, I don't know what to do about letting Bee play with them.  We have been watching the children for three years.  With one exception, they all have habits and manners I don't want my child to learn.  I don't want to isolate her or over-shield her, but I am really concerned about what she will learn from them. I don't think I will let her be around them unsupervised for quite a while.


 Bee hasn't been going to sleep this week.  Not at nap time, or at bedtime.  It has been exhausting.  Here's hoping that she gets over that soon.  

Off to water the garden now that the sun goes down. . . 

You can find more quick takes here.  

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