Last weekend I was working on bumper pads for the baby's crib. Phoebe, who has become immensely clingy, was sitting on my lap while I cut the fabric. This little girl has taken it well to heart that one is not to break things. As I was cutting she kept telling me, "You're breaking it!" She was really distressed. I finally stopped working and explained to her that sometimes we break things on purpose so that we can make them into something better. I was taking the piece of fabric and making something for Baby Brother to use.
After I said that to her, I realized what a good metaphor that was for how God works. Not that He necessarily always does the breaking of things, though sometimes he does, but He certainly takes broken things and makes better things out of them.
Little did I know that this would also be a prophetic reminder for me this week. I'm just waiting to see how things are going to get better...