I don’t know what to say about my little girl
lately. Little Bee has had a hard six months and I have had a hard six
months with her. Ever since she figured out that the baby was coming,
she’s been a mess. At first she stopped cooperating
with bedtime, then she stopped sleeping through the night, then she
grew whiny and disobedient. It has been rough; especially when I am
around, especially if I have the baby.
She is such a sensitive thing, and so much like me
in a lot of ways, which is a mercy and helps me understand her. I feel
so sorry for her because she is too little to understand her little
feelings and I don’t know how to help her deal
with them. I also don’t know how to help her get through some days
without being perpetually in trouble. The truth is that I am not good
with little children in general, even when I love them, and I have had a
very hard time figuring out how to discipline
her in a way that still communicates love to her. Being sleep deprived
does not help me with this affliction.
I feel terrible, because a lot of the time, I
haven’t even wanted to have her around. I have been really sad because I
used to enjoy her so much and then she changed. I have had to start
looking through old pictures and videos just to
remind myself, that it wasn’t always a struggle between us. I have
been given a few moments of grace here and there that are really the
only things that encourage me that it will get better. She still has
moments, usually at least one a day when she is indescribably
cute or funny. She really does love her brother when she isn’t having a
fit of jealousy, and it is really sweet when she decides that she wants
to help take care of him. She is also generous with him and excited to
have him play with her when he gets bigger.
I hope these two things stick.
Also, I am so thankful for the women who watch her
at church on Sunday. While, I am still not thrilled about letting her
play rather than sit through worship with us, it is nice to hear on a
regular basis, that she is the most cooperative
of the children and often the best behaved. I have really needed to
hear that she is capable of being quiet, obedient, and helpful.
Finally, I am so thankful for my mom, who keeps telling me over and over
that this phase will pass and she will be my delightful
little girl again eventually. Apparently I was just the same when I
was two.
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